Many options, such as a rechargeable battery or a low-voltage 24-volt or 240-volt mains supply, are available.
Rechargeable battery, no unsightly electrical cables in your walls, no replastering, repainting before the fitting of blinds and curtain tracks.
Where do you want to begin
Battery-powered 12volt: Many types of blinds now offer integrated battery motors, so there is no need for an external battery pack. Limited or no electrical skills are needed.
Low-voltage 24-volt DC is a mains-powered system reduced to 24 volts. Limited electrical skills are required. The Involvement of a qualified Electrician is advised.
240 volt Mains powered for larger blinds. The use of a Qualified Electrician is advised.
Electric or motorized blinds have been around for many years. Requirements of third-party Electrical contractors were dependent on budget. The added disruption involvement and use of trades Bricklayers, plasterers, and Carpenters.
New 2022 Somfy Tahoma Switch Hub
The to-go-to-home hub integrates blinds and other products with your Mobile phone, Tablet, or PC.
Simple handheld or wireless wall switches allow you to operate your blinds and curtain tracks. Add a Somfy Tahoma Switch smart hub and free app to connect to your phone, iPad, computer, and voice control through Amazon Alexa.
Electric or Motorised Blinds: You can have a low-voltage 24-volt system. Unfortunately, these will need a power socket up to 3 m away. Yes, they’re a little unsightly, but there are no batteries to charge them.
Handheld remote switches or wall switches.
Mains supply 240 volts, a more professional job and a more permanent project if you are at a building or development stage.
Electrical cables & sockets can be buried behind plaster, requiring a third-party electrical contractor to install your blinds or curtain tracks.
Nearly all types of blinds can be motorized in some way.
Not all existing blinds can be adapted to motorization, so it would be an investment.